From my wanderlust to my daily ramblings about what is happening, I hope to rediscover the beauty and the wonder in day to day life.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Göreme, Kappadokya, Turkey
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Goreme, Kappadokya |
Here are some pictures from Göreme. Beautiful place. There were some guesthouse that I saw that had a majestic view of the area. If anyone wants a honeymoon, this is not a bad place to go. Unfortunately, I did not fork out my 150 Euros for the baloon ride.
Safranbolu, Karabuk, Turkey
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Safranbolu |
Another set of pictures. This time from Safranbolu. The town is really lovely. Too bad, as I look back I did not take a lot of pictures. I really loved the place - quiet and serene. Not a place for the typical city shopper but a great place if you want to sit back and relax. It was the place I had my first Turkish bath urged on by Kay my Japanese friend who extolled about the relaxing qualities of a nice Turkish bath.
Monday, December 03, 2007
Post Race SG Half Marathon
In the last 3 weeks prior to the run I ran only a grand total of 7 km. That is what I get for underestimating the distance. A good lesson to learn. I started off a little too fast at about 5 min/km and ended up having to walk/jog the last 6 km at about 7-8 min/km.
On a great side, my friends who ran the marathon all finished and had a great time. As long as they woke up for it, they finished. David who is much older ran faster than me although his gun time was behind me. I made it a point to move up as close as the start as possible because I went with Steven who was running the marathon. Steven, who took the place of a friend who had an injury, ran his first marathon without training and finished in 6hrs plus. Wee Keong ran his fastest marathon at 4 hrs plus. Raymond and Jerry finished their marathon together - sprinting to the finish line at about 5:16. They could have ran faster if they tried I am pretty sure seeing the way they finished. Fang ran her first half and finished respectably well. I could go on and on. We had a blast although some of us are still feeling the after effect of the run very much.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Pre Standard Chartered Run
It will take a 5:40 mins/ km pace to complete 21k in 2 hours. I think I can do 5:40 pace for a while but I also have not really been training enough for this distance. I just googled the training program and saw that most training programs for sub 2 hour runs average about 30-40km per week. I run about 15km a week. Anyway, it is too late to eat my words as the half-marathon is 2 days away. I have not been running the last 2 weeks but I hope what I have is enough. The goal will be difficult for me but I will aim for sub 2 anyway. It just sounds better as it is a good round figure. Also, this year there will be a record 40,000 people running. Getting to the starting point might be a good 5 minutes so that means I will need a faster than 5:40 pace. I will try to sneak up as far as possible. Whatever the timing is, I will still pat myself on the back if I finish.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Pictures of Istanbul
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Istanbul |
I know I've promised photos for a while but nothing came up. So here it is. A small album of Istanbul pictures. Again I am not sure how it turns out with the Picasa attachment but I hope you get to see something. If the post turns out ok, I will post some more pictures of Turkey. Naturally, you'll have to click on the picture to see the album.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
NB Real Run Trial
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The above is a map of the New Balance Real Run trial route. The actual run will be on the 28th October 2007. I am posting the map because it is so difficult to find. Most taxi drivers don't even know where it is. The place is called Changi Exhibition center but there is a Changi Internation Exhibition center about 1km away. I arrived 30 mins late so I started only after 2km. The total distance should be 15km but I ran 14km even though I started 2km later. The total distance could be around 16km according to the GPS.
Monday, September 24, 2007
The Blue Mosque
Lisa (my travelling doll) is at Istanbul, Turkey. Behind is the blue mosque of Istanbul. I arrived on the early in the morning and could not check in to the hostel till 11am so I took the doll for a walk.
Aya Sophia
The Aya Sophia is a magnificent building. Currently a museum, it used to be a church and then became a mosque. Inside you can still see the remnants of both influence. Cannot really describe it appropriately, it is just a majestic building. As I went in, chills went up my spine not because the building creeps me out but because it was so grand. The floors are covered with marble (I think) but some are so old that the floor edges have smoothed and rounded out from time and all the people that have stepped on them.
Friday, September 14, 2007
My new GPS toy
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I am trying to test a post of a map of a run I did recently. This map was created by the GPS watch software. It tracks where I run and how far I move. For a beginner runner like me, it is quite fun because it makes me want to go out to run more. Moreover, it tracks heart rate and so I know exactly at each point of the map what my heart rate was. Overall, I think I have to train more because in this run my heart rate was 48 minutes above the 90% heart rate zone which means I was really pushing myself even though I wasn't running very fast. If you are looking for a heart rate monitor, I would recommend the Garmin Forerunner 305 because it is about $200 SGD cheaper than the equivalent Polar that gives you distance and it comes with a GPS receiver.
This place, Macritchie reservoir, is currently one of my favourite place to run in Singapore because of the outdoor terrain. Also, it crosses the entrance of Singapore's longest tree top walks.
Hopefully the map will be viewable as this is my first time posting a google map.
Monday, September 03, 2007
Boo Hoo, just turned 25
A few days ago I just turned 25. (sob sob) I remember when I was only 17 and energetic. Suddenly I am 25 and matured - ready to start a family and everything. I know I look slightly older than 25 but it's the stress of working in Singapore that's to blame. Unfortunately, I am still as single as ever. I got to celebrate my birthday with some friends at work and some friends at church. My friends are absolutely a blessing from God. My family called me as we are scattered across Asia. I am so happy to have such a loving family so when I go back I'll have a belated birthday meal.
Also I spend globs of money and bought myself a video game, books and a GPS watch. Of course my Turkey holiday could be considered a pre-birthday gift. Naturally, I am not limited to only spending money on myself during the birthday months. I just had to give myself excuses to splurge. As they say, you are only 25 once. (In my case, I might have lost count after my 24th birthday.) I skipped my Chinese class on my birthday night because I did not want to be sitting in a 3-hour long chinese class. Sometimes I think I pamper myself too much.
If you want to Fedex me birthday presents, let me know. I always look forward to gifts before, during or after my birthday.
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
The end of another journey
Anyway, the last two days in Istanbul I did the mandatory shopping. I bought about 8 kilos of junk - mostly Turkish delights and baklava that I know most of my friends and families won't eat. I think there is enough sugar in my big bag to kill a kid, if he ate it all. T-shirts that I don't wear and souvenirs that will probably stay in the drawers or closet till they are thrown out. As I was lugging my 18 kilos big bag through the streets of Istanbul to take a tram back, I promised myself I will not buy any souvenirs the next trip which will likely be broken. I think a lot of people hate souvenirs. Like me, they probably think whether or not to junk the stuff when someone gives it to them but they feel bad because it was from some distant land (likely China).
Now that I am back I will get a chance to upload some pictures and also maybe give a summary of the pros/cons of the trip.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Pergamum (Bergama)
Friday, July 27, 2007
Moving faster
Monday, July 23, 2007
Mount Nemrut
Currently, I am at Antalya after an 18 hours bus ride. The weather here is really hot but the city has an incredible sea view with surrounding mountains. The day is so hot I just spent most of the afternoon at air-conditioned eating places.
I think from now on, I will have to move really fast because I have only one more week and the whole west coast to do. I will likely skip many sights as I want one or two extra days in Istanbul to do some shopping and a cruise down the Bosphorus. 3 weeks to see Turkey is rather short I realise because I did not get to see any of East Turkey and will not get to do any of the "blue" cruises on the Mediterranean sea. It seems like everyone I have met really recommended doing the blue cruises but with little time and my skin condition I think spending time in the ruins would be better.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Göreme RPG
Anyway, I just did a day tour of the area and it was very cool. They took us to an underground city, the monastery in Selime, a canyon walk and a bunch of other places. Göreme and the area around Kappadokya has such a long history for Christians. Every interesting site here is an ancient church or some Christian thingy. The Christians from the earliest time were already persecuted and so many of them hid in underground tunnels and rock caves that are strewn across Kappadokya. They definitely led a hard life for the faith. Most of the churches are from the 8th to 11th century. Some go back as far as the 4th century and so says the tour guide. Many have beautiful frescoes painted inside the churches/caves once upon a time but are now destroyed by erosion, light and people.
On my spare time (when I wasn't on tours), I did a few walking tours by myself. They were definitely the best part of the stay here in Kappadokya. The walks are so scary because you never really know for sure if you are on the right path - nothing is marked out properly. I really shouldn't be cheapo and should pay for the guides. Anyway, you rely on some hotel map that can be almost thrown away the minute you get on the trails. I feared getting lost or being stuck in the wild at night. Also some of these trails are on the mountain side and some goes through big rocks so slipping will not be a pretty sight. The great thing about the walks are you never know what to expect; sometimes I turn a corner or climb over a rock and I see a deserted church cave or a magnificent overview of the land. This evening I was almost panicky worried (because it was 7:30 and I was afraid to be stuck in the wild at night) and I climbed out the valley and there was a gorgeous view of the land. Much to my relief, there was also a very wide path leading to town. It was like playing an RPG only you could not save the game and retry - a real bummer if I died. Also no "sword of a thousand truths".
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Turkey update
Monday, July 16, 2007
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Istanbul day 3
The Aya Sophia was magnificent. Inside there is so much history. The place was mainly marble and was a church that was converted to a mosque and later into a museum. Currently part of it is under restoration. Inside you will see Muslim and Christian influences. I spent some time sitting at the gardens outside Aya Sophia because the weather was beautiful. It is summer here in Turkey but the weather is perfect. Warm in the morning but not sweaty hot and humid. Cool at night but not freezing cold. I could go around all day in t-shirt and 3/4 pants.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Couple days in Istanbul
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Turkey trip
Going alone again. Somehow I always end up going alone because of my constant lack of planning. Going with a group just seems like so much work - planning and coordinating. Anyway, time is running out so I will have to end this blog now.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
The Hermit
You are The Hermit
Prudence, Caution, Deliberation.
The Hermit points to all things hidden, such as knowledge and inspiration,hidden enemies. The illumination is from within, and retirement from participation in current events.
The Hermit is a card of introspection, analysis and, well, virginity. You do not desire to socialize; the card indicates, instead, a desire for peace and solitude. You prefer to take the time to think, organize, ruminate, take stock. There may be feelings of frustration and discontent but these feelings eventually lead to enlightenment, illumination, clarity.
The Hermit represents a wise, inspirational person, friend, teacher, therapist. This a person who can shine a light on things that were previously mysterious and confusing.
What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Something in my eye
Sick! I managed to remove a small piece of contact lens that has been stuck in my eye for 2 days. I was really sweaty when I was removing the lens so I had quite a difficult time. Guess I must have accidentally torn it. I felt something stuck in my right eye for two days but I couldn't see anything in the mirror. Glad I did not get an eye infection from it. I was about to give up and go see a doctor but fortunately I manage to get the piece out before I went.
Focus dailies - cheap and very comfortable but ultra difficult to remove. My face was slapped by the Padas river while I went river rafting and the contacts were still intact. Good for water sports because you have to go through a lot to lose them. I had my face filled with sea water while diving and they were still on. With Acuvue, I had contacts fall out on me while diving. However I use to spend 15 minutes trying to remove these damned Focus daily contacts. My eyes would be all red by the time I had them out. It is really irritating to spend 15 minutes tearing at your eyeball because you just cannot get a grip on the contacts. Now I remove them easier because I went to the Focus website to see how to better remove them. Stupid me. Overall, Acuvue from Johnson & Johnson is still better. Acuvue have a bluish tint so you see them in your eye in the mirror and their lenses so much easier to remove.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
A Serious Case of Wanderlust
Anyway I feel like if I don't wander off somewhere soon, I'd die of boredom. Maybe I just need some variety to spice up my life. Maybe I seriously need a girlfriend. Maybe I just need to grow up. Maybe I need a purpose in life. But for the time being, I'm going to spend the time daydreaming about where I'm going next. It is my quick fix, my 'wander' cure for boredom.
Tomorrow, I'd see if my boss is in a good mood. I'll try my luck to see if I can negotiate a couple weeks holiday sometime next month. If it is successful, then I'll have to stop daydreaming and start forking out months of hard-earned money to some greedy airline company. Seeing the damage to my already thin wallet sometimes cure the wanderlust like no other wonder drug. Once the dough is gone, quite often the desire to travel subsides. I wonder why?
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Monday, May 07, 2007
My Korean friend
I went up to Mt Kinabalu again this time with some friends - one of them was Korean. Once you get her started talking about Korea, there is no stopping her... If I'd listened intently, I could have written a guide book about Korea but as usual I'd tuned out after 5 minutes. Anyway, her photo is blurred to protect her identity. Instead you get to see my beloved travelling doll.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
My new Core2 Duo
Well I finally splurged and assembled a new computer. I spent $1500 SGD on the box without the monitor. I'll keep to the existing monitor since it is rather new and the monitor currently doubles up as my PS2 display.
Compared to my old Pentium 4 1.6 GHz machine, this new one can run rings around it. My previous rig was 256 Meg ram and spots a 40 Gb harddisk. It runs on a $40 graphics card. My current computer is a Core2 duo 1.83 GHz machine, 2 Gb ram, 500 Gb harddisk with a Radeon 1950 Pro graphics card. Currently this set up would be a mid end computer but since I have been so used to the old setup, software just seemed faster. Moreover, the 500 Gb harddisk allows me to burn rental DVDs into the harddisk in about 10-15 minutes. No more late returns for rental DVDs.
All in all, does the new machine save me time? The answer is a resounding "No!". As with most(98%) new technology gadgets, this computer just does not save me more time. No matter how fast windows take to boot up, I end up having to spend more time learning new software, playing new games where the old junk could not play, downloading new animes to watch and a plethora of things that just eats up my time with nothing to show for in the future. The morale of the story is this - "Don't kid yourself into thinking that the latest gadget will save you more time." I'll have to admit I kind of like playing with these new toys even if they eventually end up wasting days of my life.