Monday, February 09, 2009


I finished a book 'Disgrace' by J.M.Coetzee on my trip back to Ipoh for the Chinese New Year. It is about a professor who slept with one of his students and was forced to resign from his job because of the scandal. He goes and stay with the daughter at her farm and encounters a terrible event...Well from the title, you can tell it is a rather dark and forbidding tale. And that's probably why I bought it in the first place. Since the beginning of the year, I felt my life has been rather depressing and so the title fits with the current mood.

Besides that, I caught 2 movies with similar themes recently - JCVD and The Wrestler. I liked both the shows. The themes were depressing but the acting was brilliant and the characters were very real and believable. They are still only movies so I know many things were exagerrated. Nevertheless, it reminds me how messed up life can be in a short while. Even with success, it is never permanent. As the book of Ecclesiastes say "I have seen all the things that are done under the sun; all of them are meaningless, a chasing after the wind". Sometimes I wonder, if so many people don't know where they are going, why are they hurrying to go anywhere? Why the fast pace and why the hurry? Shouldn't most people stop and figure out where they are going first? Because if they get the direction wrong, hurrying will get them further from where they want to go.


Furient said...

You should watch Slumdog Millionaire for a change in mood. Beautiful movie.

Ongster said...

Good, I will take up your recommendation. Besides, now Singapore is showing a few of the Academy Awards nominations.