Friday, September 24, 2010

(150) days of joblessness

Wow times passes quickly when everyday is like a weekend. Nowadays I keep track of time in terms of weeks, not days. Some important people organize their time in chunks of 15 minutes, lately I cannot imagine. The nice thing about not working is that you have all the time in the world to do things you like. The ironic thing is that usually I don't get much done in a day. Read an article here, answer some e-mails, go for a run and then it is almost the end of the day. It also goes to show how much time a person can waste. But how do I pay the rent when I am not working? It is also quite depressing on days because I tie so much of my security and esteem to having a job.


Fabiano Souza. said...

Fashion Therapy Blog said...

Hang in are much more than a job. Every change is an opportunity for you to discover things about yourself you never knew...learn and grow. You'll soon find yourself doing something great!

Ali Bakan said...

first I see your calorie calculations, and after I see your "joblessness" topic.
I have two good idea for your problems.
Please look my companys web page. My company still open in your country.
If you want learn more, we can talk on skype. U can work on internet...

XOXO Dr. Kay Elizabeth said...

I must say I sincerely apologize for the random posting but I figure the more exposure the more help I can expose myself to...Hey check out my blog... pre-med student in need of help finishing her degree! Read some of the posts if you have the time. Thanks in advance for reading the posts. Help out in any way that you can. :)

Anonymous said...

my mom was jobless for like three years before she found the job she currently has and loves. don't give up searching and your jobless days will end :).

Unknown said...

Hang in there

Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

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Anonymous said...

Just keep looking and trying youre best when it comes to looking for a job, and for the rest of the day, try and do something productive like running or reading. I promise you, it will make you much less depressed. If you need anything to read, some patronage at my new blog would be great!