Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Keeping the Muses alive

The Ongster on a hill overlooking Sri Lanka

In an ongoing effort to keep the Muses alive in me, I have left my job and have wandered off around and back to my home town. The aim was to search for adventure, excitement and some reason on why I can't seem to break the "work-home-church-bored" cycle of my life. The journey has been exciting but seems like the Muses were not content and have added a cruel twist to the story in the form of a 'breakup'. A breakup from a remarkable woman whom I am still very much in love with. A high price to pay for trying to break from the routine.

In case you have been wondering, for the few months, I have been trying to break many routines that have been formed in my life. The daily routines - going to work, sleeping on time, going to church twice a week, praying and reading the Bible are no longer routine. I do sleep but no longer at regular hours. 6am to 1pm, 3am to 11pm, anytime can be sleeping time.

Looking back at the last few months, I think routine is a necessity else life would always be so full of complexities. We would always be thinking about what needs to happen next. Maybe I need some routine in my life but more importantly I need some meaning and passion in life.

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