Friday, October 22, 2004

The Aftermath of War

Visiting the Tuol Sleng museum, the killing fields at Cheoung Ek and the Saigon war remnants museum shows how painful and inhumane war can be. It shows how cruel and evil people can become. It brings tears to my eyes to see what the Khmer Rouge did to its own people. They were not only out to kill - they wanted to wipe out culture, love, art, literature, all things that makes life worth living for. Yet I wonder if I would have stood up for what is right and die for my convictions if I was in the midst of war. How easy it is for us to say we believe in something when it costs us nothing but how difficult it is to keep the same convictions when our lives and possessions are on the line.

On a lighter side, I saw someone paying $10 to shoot 10 bullets in an M60 machine gun at the shooting range near the Cu Chi tunnels. I think it lasted 15 seconds and that was only because he paused to aim. I think he managed to pull the trigger a total of 3 times. What was he expecting with a gun that shoots 600 bullets a minute? That was the quickest way I've seen someone spend $10 in Vietnam so far. Now, it would have been way cool if he paid $600 for bullets and shot the machine gun like Rambo.


Anonymous said...

History had taught us to be more grateful,
The unhumanistic of war changes to world point of view. Life is more than just for ourselves, achievement, career and so on. Focusing on SELF will never reveal our life's purpose.

This is truly a journey where you rediscovered about life and indeed you are riches than anyone else. Treasure the moments of truth and have safe journey.

Anonymous said...

Halo my friend... Reading through your journey makes me think how i wish i am with you right now, seeing what you are seeing. Your dairy stops here. Are you not going to share with us more? ;) Do continue to do so pls.? :) I am seeing these places through eyes of a friend; you! :)

Appreciate you for sharing with us what you are seeing & also the thoughts you are having. Some of the thoughts that you have posted & commented challenged my thoughts too.

E.g. your thoughts on "the aftermath of war"... It reminds me of the bible & what the kings did to our bros & sis in the 1st century... and now, the current situation of my life... To me, we might not have a war physically now but we are facing a war that is spiritually everyday. Satan not only out to kill - he wants to turn us into his slaves; slaves of pride, slaves of jealously, slaves of discouragement, slaves of negativity, slaves of self-righteousness, slaves of laziness...

And in this battle, I might not shed blood physically, but am I willing to stand up to it & deny my sinful nature & even die to my sins! Am I willing to standby by my fellow bros & sis & protect one another to make sure that non of us has a harden heart! Am I willing to go for the extra mile to speak the truth in love & be gracious when I am not being appreciate or being "accused" or hurt. Am I willing to love whole hearty without holding back. Am I willing to stand up to what I believe; God & his word, that makes me worth living for... Am I... Am I...

So many of the times for myself, I lost the battle… but it is through God's grace that I am still here. It is because of a bunch of Bros & Sis that loves me & believes in me that I am still here… Something that I have done for my QT few days ago when I was down & weary… Share with you & hope this will encourage you too! :) "...Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us....lest you become weary and discouraged in your souls.....Therefore strengthen the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees." (Hebrews 12:1,3,12) An sms that i receive from a sis recently... "Whichever condition we may picture ourselves to be in when we arrive in heaven, our main goal is still to get to heaven"... This is so true isn't? :)

O.k.…. Enough of my blabbering ;p Before I go, a little update here in Singapore:-

01. the sisters made some muffins for the bros (and you are one of them too but unfortunately you are not there to eat but Carol took a picture of it, I am sure she will delivered to you when she can…) :)

02. last Sunday was Leonard's 1st spiritual birthday! :)

03. Pls. pray for the TOP (temporary Occupicant Permits; something like that.. ;p) to be approved by the government a.s.a.p; by this week. Last Sunday is suppose to be our last service at KAPT but because the TOP is not approve yet, we cannot use the building... We also cannot visit the building as planned this week... Though you are far away, but you are still part of the family, right? Thus want you to know & being "updated" of course pls pray also lah... ;p
You are in my prayers my friend! :) You take care & may God be with you in wherever you go! Miss you here in the bible talk.

Juz me, Betsy Teo.

Anonymous said...

Hi Hi,

Ni Hao Ma (how are you)? Wow, your trip is very enriching, not just the scenery, but the history and culture of the countries. It is very impacting to read about the cruelty of war, and brings us to think about how just people can be so evil for their personal gain. Yet I believe that the good of humanity is also evident in the Sihanouk Hospital and this is very encouraging. Though I can't be there (wish I could travel around, be out of the comfort zone of Singapore and look at the life of people) but your postings do give an idea of the people's way of life.

Like Betsy said, the sisters have made muffins for all the brothers. I took a picture of yours but unfortunately I realised I do not know how to attach it here. Can you offer me a solution or anyone can help?

Hey brother, do take care. Where is your next destination? Alhough you may be overseas in foreign land but you are in our thoughts. Look forward to more of your postings. Take care.

From your sister in christ,

Carol (28/10/04)

Anonymous said...

Hi Hi,

Ni Hao Ma (how are you)? Wow, your trip is very enriching, not just the scenery, but the history and culture of the countries. It is very impacting to read about the cruelty of war, and brings us to think about how just people can be so evil for their personal gain. Yet I believe that the good of humanity is also evident in the Sihanouk Hospital and this is very encouraging. Though I can't be there (wish I could travel around, be out of the comfort zone of Singapore and look at the life of people) but your postings do give an idea of the people's way of life.

Like Betsy said, the sisters have made muffins for all the brothers. I took a picture of yours but unfortunately I realised I do not know how to attach it here. Can you offer me a solution or anyone can help?

Hey brother, do take care. Where is your next destination? Alhough you may be overseas in foreign land but you are in our thoughts. Look forward to more of your postings. Take care.

From your sister in christ,

Carol (28/10/04)

Anonymous said...

Hi Bro, take it easy, I once used 300 bullets in one shooting at 50m range and none hit the target. Wanted to use another round of bullets but my superior told me not to waste government money. Haha! Take care. Juz Leonard.

Wah! Betsy only mentioned in a one liner on my first birthday :) Some nice tree.